all postcodes in M43 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M43 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M43 7AA 22 15 53.480309 -2.144872
M43 7AB 1 1 53.479722 -2.145305
M43 7AD 25 18 53.480045 -2.14606
M43 7AE 6 0 53.481997 -2.14646
M43 7AF 30 0 53.482564 -2.145196
M43 7AG 32 0 53.484534 -2.144419
M43 7AH 5 0 53.485026 -2.146139
M43 7AJ 16 8 53.482644 -2.146552
M43 7YY 12 11 53.481465 -2.147061
M43 7AL 32 0 53.482655 -2.144412
M43 7AN 20 0 53.483041 -2.14461
M43 7AP 19 0 53.48368 -2.144341
M43 7AQ 18 0 53.483896 -2.144161
M43 7AR 4 4 53.480297 -2.145323
M43 7AS 8 1 53.483457 -2.142501
M43 7AT 14 0 53.483871 -2.142578
M43 7AU 14 0 53.484231 -2.141645
M43 7AW 22 0 53.483195 -2.144279
M43 7AX 5 0 53.48314 -2.143102
M43 7AY 6 3 53.481549 -2.144574